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This section covers v2 of the ambientCG API which can be accessed via HTTPS on the individual sub-paths of:<endpoint + GET-parameters>

There are currently no writing operations, all calls must therefore be made using the GET method.

Endpoint overview

Below is an overview of the individual endpoints:

  • /categories-json lists metadata about asset categories.
  • /downloads_csv lists downloadable files in an easy to parse CSV-format.
  • /full_json is the most comprehensive endpoint. It delivers metadata and downloadable files for all assets in a more elaborate JSON-format.
  • /releases_rss provides an RSS-feed with new asset releases.

Check the different sub-pages for information about the endpoints and their parameters.

downloadLink vs. rawLink

Some endpoints return two kinds of links for downloading files: downloadLink (recommended) will log the download into the website statistics and then perform an HTTP redirect to the rawLink which contains the direct link to the file.

If your implementation struggles with this kind of redirect you can use the rawLink, otherwise the use of the downloadLink is encouraged to generate more accurate download statistics.